Wednesday, 19 December 2018

For Posterity, a letter to Dr Sarah Wolleston, my MP.

Following is an email sent to my political representative Dr Sarah Wolleston, reproduced verbatim.

Dear Sarah,

I know I promised not to bother you, but I do not do social media.

From your website..

"I could not remain a member of the Conservative Party if PM changed her main policy objective to delivering No Deal and No Transition. No responsible government could knowingly aim to inflict that kind of harm on the people & especially when we are so woefully unprepared"

When the PM announced her plan at chequers it was obvious that this fudge was the best we could hope for.  At that point the politicians we voted for should have stood up and removed her (please do not say you did not see it)

Instead the various factions in the conservative party and labour thought it would be a good idea to play politics, and here we are.

You say you will not vote for the "deal" which I did not vote leave for, but are not honest enough to say you want to keep us in the EU, instead pretending that I did not know what I was voting for, and since your government has made a mess of it I need to vote again, so I vote the way you want.

So, your refusal to vote for Mrs May's "deal" may result in the very thing that you say will cause you to leave..

At least then, if you are honourable, will trigger a by-election in Totnes and we can waste time whilst the country crashes out of the EU.

Beware of what you wish for, I will never vote for Corbyn, but your government's incompetents is currently ensuring that Labour will take the next election, and that may just move me from just about managing to worry as I earn a good wage, but support my wife who takes nothing from the state. We are the squeezed middle

This email might seem rambling, but I am amazed at how the politicians have mismanaged a process that both the government and opposition stood at an election to support.

Kind regards

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