Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Where does Brexit go now

I feel so disenfranchised.

I voted leave. Before the vote my MP, Sarah Wolleston said she would vote leave, then changed her mind and voted remain.

Leave won, and given by nearly every measure possible won it was time to respect the electorate.

I took the time to email the government suggesting that the vote be respected by building support cross party and business, but the government decided to make it political..  How is that working out?

So, Dr 'I know best' Wolleston says I did not know what I was voting for.  Given I am 46 and wanted to vote out since I was 18 (voting labour when Blair offered a referendum) that is a lie, and she has confirmed that she will reject the flawed deal in support of a repeat of the referendum.

Just what the EU wanted all along.  Way to sell out your country.

Why should I vote again??

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