Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Anything is on the table

It appears we are in the barrel and heading for Niagara


And all because politicians need to play politics.

When we (I voted to leave the failing project) won the referendum, to our surprise, I wrote to my MP to suggest that now it was time to put together a cross party group including Scotland, Ireland, Wales and business to deliver the EU exit whilst the Government got on with running the country.

But no, they decided to politicise it, ensuring the current opposition who have their own problems would insist on rejecting any solution, even if rejecting it harmed the country.  And surprise, this is exactly what has happened.

So now, given that we have not planned for an organised exit, the deal (no one voted for a deal) is likely to fail as the opposition will vote hoping for an election, the deal is not complete as we agreed the the eu timetable, and the government cannot gain support from it's own politicians, we are heading for another referendum, one which will be designed to split the leave vote and ensure remain wins.

If you were a conspiracy theorist you might suggest this was the plan all along.  I leave you to make up your own mind.

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