Thursday, 18 April 2019

What an embarrassing timeline

In 2009, Wollaston stated at her open primary selection that she was a leaver, this was important because within her constituency lies England’s biggest fishing fleet.

In 2010, Wollaston stood for election on a manifesto that pledged an EU referendum if the EU started to grab more British sovereignty........she was elected with a majority of 4,927.

In 2011, Wollaston voted in parliament for an EU referendum

In 2015, Wollaston stood for election on a manifesto that pledged ‘real change in our relationship with the EU’ and a referendum by the end of 2017.........she was elected with a majority of 18,385.

In 2015, Wollaston voted for an EU referendum

In 2016, Wollaston campaigned for ‘leave’, but changed her mind before the vote ‘because of the £350m for the NHS’ claim........which she said was untrue.

In 2017, Wollaston voted for ‘no deal’ and to enact A50.

In 2017, Wollaston stood on a Tory manifesto that pledged a clean break with the EU........and was elected with a majority of 13, a constituency that voted 54% ‘leave’.

In 2018, Wollaston started to campaign for a second referendum

In 2019, Wollaston joined another party - but didn’t have the guts to offer herself up for a by-election.

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