Thursday, 18 April 2019

What an embarrassing timeline

In 2009, Wollaston stated at her open primary selection that she was a leaver, this was important because within her constituency lies England’s biggest fishing fleet.

In 2010, Wollaston stood for election on a manifesto that pledged an EU referendum if the EU started to grab more British sovereignty........she was elected with a majority of 4,927.

In 2011, Wollaston voted in parliament for an EU referendum

In 2015, Wollaston stood for election on a manifesto that pledged ‘real change in our relationship with the EU’ and a referendum by the end of 2017.........she was elected with a majority of 18,385.

In 2015, Wollaston voted for an EU referendum

In 2016, Wollaston campaigned for ‘leave’, but changed her mind before the vote ‘because of the £350m for the NHS’ claim........which she said was untrue.

In 2017, Wollaston voted for ‘no deal’ and to enact A50.

In 2017, Wollaston stood on a Tory manifesto that pledged a clean break with the EU........and was elected with a majority of 13, a constituency that voted 54% ‘leave’.

In 2018, Wollaston started to campaign for a second referendum

In 2019, Wollaston joined another party - but didn’t have the guts to offer herself up for a by-election.

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Imagine the world we could live in..

..if this money had been pledged, unsolicited, to assist the homeless in Paris?

Friday, 12 April 2019

And, with this article...

... we prove the Independent is anything but.

Parliament and the media are not in touch with the people, our politicians are not listening (as I can testify from personal experience) so we are left with voting for single issue parties to make our point.

Underestimate it at your peril!!

How many times do I need to tell them

In 2016 I told them when I voted leave in the once in a lifetime referendum and my vote counted.

In 2017 I told them again when I held my nose and voted conservative for a strong and stable government, which worked out well.

I told them again when I joined the conservative party solely so I could help deselect my conservative MP, who jumped ship so she could avoid being ousted.

I told them again when despite my MP not listening to the people and standing as an independent I asked them to stand down and trigger a by-election so I could be represented. She has refused, ironic given she wants a losers referendum so we can make the right decision.

I will tell them again in the local elections by voting either independent, or none of the above as the main parties do not warrant my support.

I will tell them again in the EU elections by voting for the Brexit Party, purely as they are a single issue party and it makes a point.  They need 17.4 million votes to prove the point.

I will tell them again if they force another referendum, either by voting leave again, or if as I suspect the option is remain or remain by spoiling my vote.

I will spend the rest of my life telling them if we do not leave by voting for any fringe group which supports our leaving the EU.

At this point, Democracy does not exist in this country as my vote has not counted!

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

How is this a positive..

I mean, really!!

I will never give up..

Are they deluded?

Tories face a backlash in the local elections if they deliver this carcrash deal or have not left.  I will vote for any independent who stands rather than for a political party after how they have conducted themselves since 2016. 

If we haven't left and  they stand candidates for the EU elections I will vote for any party who stands on a Brexit platform, no matter if they are hard left or hard right, to make a point.

And at the next election, since I live in a safe seat, where my MP stood down so she could avoid deselection to vote against Brexit, I will spoil my vote in preference to anyone who stands for remain.

It may take the rest of my life, but im determined to see up leave the EU before we are assimilated!

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Reform the lords..

I have just listened to Lord Bilmoria suggest that since in the last three years more remainers have reached voting age and even more remainers have died that we need another referendum..

I suggest, I have half my life on this planet left and I will spend all of it advocating the abolition of the Lord's..