Sunday, 24 March 2019

Imagine this Brexit .

Following the referendum which conclusively was to leave.. You can argue however suits your agenda, but Government put the choice to the people, one person, one vote so more Democratic than any Election and more people voted than in any event in history.

Having voted leave, the government should have appointed a cross party commission, including all UK regions and business, tasked with producing a consensual plan to deliver Brexit before triggering Àrticle 50.  This would have allowed government to get on with running the country.

Once we had a consensus, and the country behind it, we should have triggered Article 50, and as a country resisted any attempt form the EU to dictate the procedure, importantly refusing to split the procedure as the divorce bill, withdrawal agreement and future relationship are by definition intrinsically linked!!

As a result, we would now be leaving on the 29th March 2019 with an agreement as to how we leave.

Compare that with our reality.. The EU have dictated the terms, our government has politicised the process, ensuring parliament is split, and we are not voting on the meaningful vote on the relationship, but only on agreeing the withdrawal agreement, with the future relationship still to be discussed.

What a failure, which is likely to result in a remain parliament suggesting the people need another say.  If this includes the government's poor negotiation or remain, then it is a remain option and Democracy officially dies.  I and many others will no longer have any faith in the Democratic process.

Bear witness and stand judged..

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Interesting summary

I do not know the man. And cannot comment on his politics, but he speaks to me..

From Discover on Google

Monday, 4 March 2019

Yay for authority

Clearly the French Police have never watch Dr Who.. stairs reduce the threat of wheeled assailants.

Seriously, this says more about the abuse of the people and how government finds us an inconvenience than anything I have ever seen.

Clearly the Yellow Vests are right - No government would be better than this government!!